When you had your first child, what did your husband buy you?

Two lovely Southern feminine blossoms, one from Texas and the other from Mississippi,

were talking on the porch swing of a big estate with white columns.

“My husband built this beautiful mansion for me when my first child was born,” the Mississippian stated.

The woman from Texas remarked, “Well, isn’t that nice?”

The Mississippi woman went on, “After my second child was born,

You see that beautiful Cadillac sitting in the driveway? That is the car my hubby purchased me.

The Texas woman said, “Well, isn’t that nice?” once more.

The first lady exalted herself, saying, “After my third kid was born,

I bought this gorgeous diamond bracelet from my hubby.

The Texas woman said, “Well, isn’t that nice?” one more time.

Next, the first lady questioned her partner,

“When you had your first child, what did your husband buy you?”

With a “My husband sent me to charm school,” the Texas woman answered.

“Charm school,” exclaimed the first lady.

“Land sakes, kid, why are you here?”

In response, the Texas woman said, “So that rather than saying, ‘Who gives a crap,’

It’s a skill I picked up: “Well, isn’t that nice?”

By usal

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