The Story Of The Director And The Employee

The story of the Director and the employee
Director: See that donkey over there?
Employee: Yes, what’s wrong with him?
Director: Go to him and make him laugh, so I can give you a raise in your salary.
The employee went and laughed his ass off
Director: Now go to him and make him cry.
The employee went to the donkey and made him cry.
Director: Last request, let him escape.
The employee ran out, and the donkey ran away.
Director: I will give you leave and a salary increase after you tell me how you did that?
The employee: The first time I told the donkey that I work as an employee, and he laughed at me. The second time I told him that my salary a month is 100 dollars, and he cried over me. And the third time I said to him: What do you think if you got a job instead of me?!

By usal

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