The King And His Three Daughters

Once upon a time there was a king, and the king had three
Girls, the king wanted to test his daughters’ love, so the king brought his eldest daughter and the king said to her: Tell me, my daughter, how much you love me. So the eldest girl said immediately, without hesitation, immediately: I love you, father, as fish love the sea. Here the father was very impressed with his daughter’s answer. He said: My daughter is very smart. In fact, fish cannot live without water and the sea. In fact, my daughter loves me very much, more than I can imagine. So I gave her a palace and jewelry.
Then he called his second daughter and asked her the same question. The girl said without hesitation: I love you, father, just as a bird loves the sky. The king was very impressed by his daughter’s answer and gave her a large palace and a lot of jewelry. He asked his little daughter, whom he loved very much, the same question, and the little girl answered him immediately: I love you, father. My father also loved salt, so the king became angry with his daughter, and beat her a lot because she said salt was the most vile thing and very cheap. He threw his daughter outside the palace without hearing a single word from her. The girl came out and was crying. A simple man met her, loved her, married her, and they lived happily inside a small hut in the middle of the city. The forest, and one day the king went out hunting in the forest. The king got lost in the forest
He started looking for his soldiers but did not find him, until he reached a small hut in the forest. The owner of the house opened it, not knowing that he was the king. The king told him his story, and the man brought him inside the hut. The daughter heard the voice of her father, the king, and recognized him and felt very happy. The man asked his wife to prepare food. For the king.
The king was very hungry, so the girl put the food in it but did not put salt in it. The man presented the food to the king and the king was very hungry so he ate, but the food was without salt. It tasted very bad and he could not eat it. The king said to him annoyedly: What is this? Do you eat food without salt, man? So eat. It cannot be eaten without salt. Here, the king remembered his little daughter, and began to cry
The man told the story of his daughter, and how he expelled her from his palace, and here his daughter came from inside and stood in front of him and said while crying: How I love you, father, for no one eats food without salt. So the king regretted what he had done and apologized to his daughter profusely, and they sat and ate together happily and after that The  father gave her two palaces and a lot of jewels and the king lived happily.

By usal

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