A Soldier Approached A Nun

Now, the nun, being of kind heart and gentle spirit, couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the poor lad. With a compassionate smile, she nodded her head and allowed Jimmy to seek refuge beneath her voluminous habit.

No sooner had Jimmy hidden himself away when two burly military policemen came charging down the street, their boots pounding against the cobblestones like thunder. Spotting the nun, they rushed over, their faces flushed with urgency.

“Sister, have you seen a soldier?” one of the policemen barked, his voice stern and authoritative.

The nun, maintaining her composure, calmly replied, “Why yes, he went this way,” gesturing in the opposite direction with a serene smile.

Relieved, the policemen nodded their thanks and hurried off in pursuit of their quarry, leaving Jimmy hidden safely beneath the nun’s skirt.

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By usal

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