A Wife Is Angry With Her Husband

Fred scratched his head, thinking hard for a moment. Then, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he began, “Why did the angry wife bring a ladder to the bar?”

Mabel, raising an eyebrow, asked, “I don’t know, why?”

“Because she heard the drinks were on the house!” Fred burst into laughter, pleased with his own wit.

Mabel couldn’t help but chuckle, despite herself. “Alright, that was clever. But jokes won’t fix this, Fred. I need you here more often.”

Fred sobered up, realizing the sincerity in Mabel’s words. “You’re right, Mabel. From now on, the bar can wait. You’re my priority.”

And so, in the little town of Harmonyville, Fred and Mabel found a balance that brought harmony to their lives. The bar became a place for occasional laughter, and their home flourished with the joy that comes when a husband and wife share their time together.

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