The Englishman’s wife advances to a tee

Stammering, she tried to offer an explanation, “I… I must have forgotten to put them on this morning. It completely slipped my mind, dear.”

Her husband, a stern Englishman of the old school, was utterly mortified. He was known for his strict adherence to etiquette and proper conduct, especially in the hallowed halls of the Royal St. Andrews. This public display of immodesty was beyond embarrassing for him.

Quickly, he wrapped his jacket around her, attempting to shield her from further embarrassment and the prying eyes of their fellow golfers. Whispering in her ear, he said, “We’re leaving immediately. We’ll have to forfeit the round.”

With her husband’s jacket draped around her like a makeshift cloak, she was escorted off the tee, her face still flushed with embarrassment. The onlookers, unsure of whether to be scandalized or amused, continued their rounds, exchanging glances and discreet chuckles.

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